Cheap Eats Seminyak - All The Cheap & Good Food Around

Cheap Eats Seminyak

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A lot of Asia is known for being very reasonably priced but with all the fancy Western restaurants in Seminyak, Bali, it can leave you wondering where all the cheap eats are.

There’s actually a huge supply of cheap eats available in Seminyak, from reasonably priced warungs to the odd cheaper café/restaurant and plenty of street food. You’ve just got to know where to look.

When it comes to street food and local warungs it can be easy to worry more about food poisoning however I’ve eaten at all of the places listed in this post a lot of times and have never had a problem.

Definitely stay clear of the beach clubs, Seminyak hotels, and resorts if you’re looking for good Bali cheap eats. All the cheap food in Seminyak is located in independent warungs, street food stands, and certain Seminyak restaurants.

There are cheap eats in Kuta and Canggu too but actually, although Seminyak’s known as the fanciest of those areas, it has the largest quantity of cheap food options. 

Cheap Eats Seminyak

Local Warungs | Street Food | Cheap Restaurants

Local Warungs

Warung Murah

By far the best local food in Seminyak Bali. If you want to eat good food cheaply, quickly and sit in the restaurant this is the place to go.

Some of the more local warungs are a bit grubby inside and can feel slightly uncomfortable to sit in on occasion with people staring at you.

Warung Murah is nicer inside though and mostly filled with foreigns, although I do have local friends that eat there too. It’s a more Western version of a traditional warung

They have a glass cabinet as you walk into the restaurant where you can get Nasi Campur, which literally means rice mix. For Nasi Campur they’ll give you a portion of rice (white, yellow or brown) and then you can pick any of the items from the cabinet to go with it. Options range from chicken to tofu and tempe to veggies.

For a veggie selection, it’ll cost you about 20,000-25,000 IDr for a very generous portion and for one with meat about 30,000-40,000 IDR They live up to their name which translates from Indonesian to English as cheap warung!

Sambal is the spicy sauce you can get with meals. In Warung Murah they have two options of this Sambal merah and sambal mata. Samabl merah is the usual red sambal that you’ll find in almost every warung. Sambal mata is a traditional Balinese sambal that’s made with onions and chilies and garlic. It’s VERY spicy in Murah, just to warn you.

You can also order from the menu too with veggie curries costing as little as 20,000 IDR.

Nasi goring, Mie goring and gado gado are the other main traditional dishes.

Nasi goreng is fried rice and you can get a veggie version of it with a fried egg on the top or with meat

Mie goreng is fried noodles. Again you can get a veggie versions or it with meat

Gado Gado is a vegetarian dish that contains a mix of veggies and tempe (made from soya bean) with peanut sauce.

And the best bit is it’s just on the way down to Seminyak beach so easy to stop off at pre or post-beach lounging.


Seminyak Night Food Market

I’ve always called this Seminyak Night Food Market but honestly, I’m not really sure if it has an official name. Along Jalan Nakula on the right (as you go away fromm the beach) it opens up to this large food market. The first restaurant you’ll see on the edge of it is Warung 24/7. If you’re looking for variety head to this market where you’ll find a wide selection of local warungs to eat in serving everything from Nasi Campur to seafood and even good Thai food in one.

Seminyak Nightmarket

Some of the warungs, like warung 24/7, are open 24 hours a day too.

Cheap Eats Seminyak


Ampera Kita

On the way to Seminyak night market on your left is warung Ampera Kita which serves Padang food. There’s still a selection of different items to go with your rice like with Nasi Campur for Padang food but with more of a focus on different meats, fish and veg in a curry sauce.

They have a good selection of food and are open really late at night if you’ve been out in Seminyak and need some late-night eats.

They have both red and green sambal to choose from there.

Warung Ampera Kita


Kunti II Night Market

A bit further out of the center of Seminyak is the food market on Kunti II. It’s open to the very early hours of the morning too and there are several warungs in there to choose from.

If you head to Wasobi on google maps you’ll get to the start of the market.

A veggie Nasi Campur there will set you back about 10,000 IDR and a meat one 15,000-20,000 IDR.

Kunti II Nightmarket

You will be the only foreigner and personally I prefer to get my food to take out from there. The Indonesian word for takeaway is “Bungkus” so to ask for Nasi Campur take away you just say “Nasi Bungkus”.


Warung Muslim

On Jalan Mertanadi on the left, just before Naughty Nuri’s Seminyak, is Warung Muslim. I prefer getting takeout from there rather than sitting in too.

The owner is a lovely old Indonesian lady who may ask you questions about if you’re married or have babies and why not if you’re on your own but it’s just her way of being friendly. The best answer is just to say “Belum” (Not yet).


Street Food

Nasi Jinggo

For the cheapest of all eats in Seminyak for breakfast head down to double six beach (go to the end of Jalan Arjun then turn left). First thing in the morning there will be a guy with a little food stand set up on the back of his bike there. He serves sachet coffee, deep-fried tofu by the piece and will usually have Nasi Jinggo too.

Nasi Jinggo is a little rice packet wrapped in a bamboo leaf that has small pieces of nuts, veggies, noodles and chicken. The chicken is easy to pick off if you’re vegetarian and nasi jingo is usually about 4,000-6,000 IDR. It’s the cheapest breakfast you can get in Bali.

You’ll see plenty of other places selling Nasi Jinggo too as you drive or walk around in the morning once you know.


Martabak & Terang Bulan

Martabak is basically a thick Indonesian omelet you can get with a variety of fillings and costs about 10,000 IDR.

Terang Bulan is one of the fluffiest richest pancakes you will find in your life that you can get filled with Keju Susu (cheese and milk) or Chocolate among other things. I know the first one sounds gross. But trust me, it’s amazing.

Cheap Eats Seminyak Local Food

Look out for places like this to find a selection of street food stands.

There are plenty of places selling this but for one near the center of Seminyak head to the start of Kunti II and there’s a stand just on the left at the start of that road.



Great for a little snack on the go. Gorengan is a selection of deep-fried food.

Things like banana, cassava, tempe and tofu are fried. You can select however many you’d like of one item or a mix of all of them. It’s about 1,000 IDR per item sometimes a bit less so you’ll get a good amount for 5,000 – 10,000. They’ll give them to you in a bag with raw green chilies to nibble on too in between bites.

Gorengan Indonesia

My favorite place in Seminyak is at the night market on Kunti II but there are plenty of stands around selling Gorengan.


Cheap Restaurants

Alleyway Shack

If you’re looking for a cheap Western breakfast in Seminyak head to Alleyway Shack. There it’s 20,000  IRD for fried eggs and 15,000 IDR for lovely sourdough toast to go with it. When I last went I had that and a strawberry juice and the whole thing set me back 55,000 IDR.

Even their more elaborate breakfasts like smashed avo on toast are still really cheap too.

Alleyway Shack Bali


Warung Ocha

Warung Ocha serves local food on its menu but also western food as well. Personally, I think it’s the best cheap eats Legian has to offer.

The highlight of Warung Ocha for me though is the salad bar which looks like a nasi campur cabinet but has lots of different salad options to choose from. Plenty of veggie options too and a full salad will only cost about 60,000-70,000 IDR.



The restaurant Ingka in Seminyak is absolutely beautiful and for some reason so reasonably priced for what it is. Other restaurants in the Seminyak area that look like this are triple the price but Ingka has main dishes for only 50,000 IDR.

Ingka Seminyak Cheap Food

They serve breakfast till 3pm and have a full vegan section of the menu as well as wide variety of food from burgers to pizza to curries to sushi.

Cheap Dinner Seminyak

By far the best dining experience of the cheap restaurants in the area.


Warung Souvlaki

Warung Souvlaki is a Greek restaurant on Jalan Arjuna/Double 6 a bit like the one in Echo Beach. Their mains are only about 50,000 per dish and if you get their sharing platter for 2 people it’s still only 80,000.

Plus they have hummus and pitta, greek salads and lots of wonderful greek delights. The decor is really cute as well.

Warung Souvlaki

Their wine is reasonably priced for Bali too if you want to have a few drinks there to start your night out in Seminyak or Canggu and aren’t a fan of the Bali beer.

Or if you’re in one of those moods where you’re enjoying your Bali holiday so much you really don’t want to have to leave your villa, or haven’t rented a scooter so it’s hard to get around, you can search on the GoJek food part of the app by cheapest restaurants. Delivery only costs about 10,000 IDR max per order.


Where else do you think is great for cheap eats in Seminyak? Let me know in the comments.

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